How early do I desex my cat?

Unplanned litters are the core driver for the overwhelming number of animals in animal shelters across New Zealand. A single female cat who has not been desexed can produce a whopping 90-120 kittens in her lifetime. A male cat who mates with multiple females could create an even bigger family tree.

If you’re a cat owner, getting your cat desexed is one of the best things you can do. It helps prevent unwanted litters and reduces the number of homeless cats. Other names for desexing can include spaying neutering, altering, etc.

Read through some helpful advice from Dr. Rosalind Holland (BVSc, MVM, MANZCVS) on the right time to desex your cat.

When should I desex my cat?

Generally, the best time to desex your cat is before they reach puberty, which can be as early as 14 weeks of age. According to Dr. Holland, experienced vets are adept at desexing kittens as young as eight weeks of age. "These procedures are usually quick due to the small size of the tissue involved, and young kittens recover very quickly," she says. 

Desexing your cat early eliminates the risk of unintended pregnancies and reduces the chances of developing certain health issues later in life. It’s worth discussing the best timing for your cat with your vet, as their health and body condition will influence when they’re ready. 

Plus, many local councils in New Zealand have recently introduced bylaws requiring desexing cats by 4–6 months of age. SPCA also supports pre-pubertal desexing, which involves desexing animals before they can reproduce. This early procedure is usually less stressful and painful than desexing older animals.

In rare cases, a vet may recommend delaying desexing due to medical concerns. If this happens, follow their advice, as there may be a health issue to address before surgery.

Should my female cat have a litter before desexing?

It’s a common myth that female cats should have a litter before being desexed, but the truth is, there’s no medical or behavioural benefit to this. Allowing a cat to have a litter doesn’t improve her health or make her a better pet – in fact, it can lead to more challenges, like finding homes for the kittens.

Desexing your cat before puberty is considered best practice by the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) as it reduces the risk of reproductive health issues and prevents the addition of unwanted cats to the population. Your cat will be just as happy and healthy without experiencing motherhood, and by desexing her early, you’re giving her the best chance at a long, stress-free life.

What are the benefits of desexing my cat?

Cat desexing is more than just a preventative measure – it comes with a range of health, behavioural, and practical benefits that ensure your feline companion leads a happier, healthier life. A desexed cat will live an average of 3-5 years longer than those who stay intact through their adult life.

Health benefits of early desexing 

The process of cat desexing removes the reproductive organs, meaning that disease related to those organs is eliminated. 

"In female cats, desexing prevents diseases of the ovaries and uterus and prevents pregnancy and pseudopregnancy." Dr. Holland explains. "Early desexing, prior to puberty (prepubertal) removes any risk of the cat becoming pregnant, which not only helps reduce the issue of pet overpopulation but also reduces the risk of mammary tumours."

The same goes for male cats. Desexing reduces their risk of testicular cancer, prostate problems and other diseases related to the reproductive system.

Behavioural benefits of desexing 

Desexing can also help modify certain behaviours in cats that may be disruptive or harmful.

For male cats, it can reduce territorial marking and aggressive behaviours towards other cats, saving them from injury over territorial disputes in the neighbourhood. For female cats, it eliminates the need for mating behaviours such as yowling and trying to escape outside.

Desexing male and female cats

While male and female desexing surgeries differ slightly, the key outcomes remain the same – better health, better behaviour, and no unwanted kittens. 

Male cats

For male cats, desexing involves removing the testicles under general anaesthesia. The procedure is usually quick, and recovery is straightforward. Dr. Holland highlights how male cats benefit behaviourally, saying they are "less likely to wander or participate in risky behaviours." 

Female cats

For female cats, the surgery is a little more involved, as it involves removing the ovaries and often the uterus. However, this procedure, especially when performed on younger cats, is efficient and safe. Dr. Holland emphasises, "Vets perform pre-surgical physical exams and adjust anaesthetic plans as needed for each individual patient."

Additional considerations for desexing

While the desexing process for cats is relatively straightforward, there are a few important things to consider and discuss with your vet beforehand.

  • If your cat is not yet microchipped, desexing is the perfect opportunity to have it done. This simple procedure can help ensure your cat finds its way back to you if they ever get lost.
  • While there is general guidance around what age a cat could and should be desexed, the decision to do so is ultimately up to the cat's caregiver and veterinarian. Other factors, such as individual health, may come into play.
  • Consider how you will provide post-surgery care for your cat. This may include monitoring their incision site and keeping them calm and quiet during recovery.
  • Discuss any potential risks associated with desexing, such as anaesthesia complications, with your vet beforehand. They can also provide advice on how to minimise these risks.

Preparation is protection

While desexing costs aren’t covered, SPCA Pet Insurance supports you and your cats in countless other ways. Prepare yourself by investing in pet insurance, which can protect you and your pets from accidents to illnesses. Consider getting a quote to help protect your furry friends.

Sophie Herlihy author photo

Sophie Herlihy

Writer, zookeeper and conservationist

Sophie is an accomplished zookeeper and conservationist with a background in the veterinary industry and conservation education. With extensive experience working with animals, their welfare is always her top priority. Sophie lives in rural Aotearoa with her menagerie, including 2 cats, 4 chickens, and 12 dogs (most notably her trusty black Labrador, Jellybean). She works in a near-by wildlife sanctuary, and is passionate about educating and supporting pet owners to provide the best possible care for their animals.